One of the major concerns, arguably the major concern, of today’s
employers is to ensure their companies the appropriate level of leadership. Apparently,
organizations are relentlessly trying to pursue this objective, but its
attainment is indeed revealing to be in practice a sorely difficult feat. Companies
at large are finding it extremely difficult to recruit externally or develop from
within effective, strong leaders insofar as leadership can really be
considered as the Holy Grail of the modern business world.
During the last decades, many Authors have plead the case in
favour of a marked distinction between leadership and management adducing a
plethora of arguments essentially aiming at confining management to
administrative and executory tasks and elevating leadership to the sublime.
Are habitually defined leaders those who have followers,
offer a vision and set direction, facilitate
decisions, are charismatic, use their heart, are proactive, influence others by
selling, like striving, take risks and break the rules, use conflict, are
concerned about what is right, give credit and take the blame. By contrast,
managers are supposed to have subordinates, seek objectives, plan details, make
decisions, use their formal authority and their head, are reactive, persuade by
telling, like action, minimize risks,
make and are compliant to rules, avoid conflict, are concerned with being right,
take credit and blame the others.
These distinctive features, differently typifying and
characterizing leadership and management, are habitually used by those who
advocate the existence of a clear divide between management and leadership to support
this idea and stress the worth of leadership to the detriment of management.
significance of the features associated with leadership and which should thus
characterize good, strong leaders are self-evident. Since these aspects are directly
concerned with the organizations’ human capital, whether employers could count
on a relatively large number of people in possess of these features, these would
undeniably find it relatively easier to attain competitive edge. The need for organizations
to avail themselves of individuals having these valuable and remarkable
characteristics is hence totally justified.
The problem with leadership and more in particular with its
habitually alleged complete separation from management, relates to the confusion this
distinction risks generating. Depicting managers and leaders as having two completely
different characteristics and objectives might induce to believe that the roles
of leader and manager actually relate to two different posts. Their activities and
missions are indeed not mutually exclusive; by contrast, in every organization
these should ideally coincide as a matter of course. The term “leader” is in
fact mainly used to refer to a person’s qualities and features, it does not
represent a job title which can be included as such in the grading and pay
system of an organization.

Irrespective of the circumstance that one may believe that
leadership is an inborn, rather than a learnable feature, its idea is not associated
with technical skills, but rather with a set of personal qualities. A distinctive
feature whose practical manifestation emerges from the way a person behaves,
approaches difficult situations, the relationships with others and his/her job.
cannot afford to recruit leaders and managers as if these were two different
roles to be covered within their business; otherwise the role of managers would
not only be drastically emptied but would also make no practical sense. Employers
need managers who are and act as leaders: individuals capable to provide their
staff a vision, and influence, induce and enhance employee engagement and
motivation. Leaders should ultimately be nothing else than good effectual managers.
In an
organization it is habitually possible to distinguish four main categories of employees,
namely the shop floor, professionals, managers (from mid- to senior-) and
executives (board included). Leaders can be actually identified at all the levels
of the organizational hierarchy. The leaders included in the mid- to
upper-scale of the organizational order are usually known as formal leaders,
whereas those belonging to the shop floor and professional categories (or more
in general those not covering any management role) are usually termed informal
leaders. All of these individuals, like the other employees, are clearly
filling a specific role and position within the business; the difference is
that these individuals, albeit not having an official managerial authority, have
followers and the capability to influence their colleagues, whereas the others,
formally appointed managers included, do not.
a general rule, employers should not underestimate the significance of the support
and contribution which informal leaders can respectively give and make to organizational
success and should hence try to approach and ally with these, rather than
consider them as a threat.
fact that the current management may show not to have the leadership abilities the
employer would have expected and desired these to have should not really come
as a surprise. Individuals are different one another; yet, at times individuals
can differently interpret the role of manager. The real problem may not be posed
by the fact that managers are not good strong leaders; it may rather be caused by
the circumstance that employers use to appoint as managers people before
assessing whether these are already or have the potential to evolve into good, strong
leaders. Once the wrong choice has been made it is obviously extremely tricky for
employers to go back so that these cannot do nothing else than shoulder the
cost for their wrong decision and try and control the likely negative
Executives and directors should definitely pay much more
attention to the way managers are identified before these are formally
appointed. By establishing clear practices and introducing sound and effective
assessment methodologies HR can clearly effectually support all the
organizational functions in the process, where appropriate availing itself of
the contribution of external consultancies.
Leadership should ideally not be a commodity common to a
restricted and limited number of executives and managers; at a predetermined satisfactory
level, all of the managers of every organization should ideally possess leadership
abilities. On a daily basis employees are in constant contact with their line
managers, it is with them that these mainly interact and it is hence by these
and their behaviour that they are influenced the most.
It cannot be a priori excluded that some managers might
occasionally find it easier managing rather than leading by reason of being
extremely busy with their daily tasks. During hectic periods, managers might find
it preferable, that is, more practical having recourse to traditionally
labelled managerial approaches to the detriment of the leadership ones. For
instance, telling rather than selling and holding the existing road rather than
taking a new one may be preferred by managers under some circumstances to ensure
that the pre-set deadline is met.
may clearly not invariably be the case, but employers should also take into due
consideration the circumstances under which managers work on a daily basis in
order to properly evaluate, assess and judge their leadership abilities. The
reference is not here to situational or contingent leadership, but rather to
the particular circumstances and time constraints which may account for
managers being prompted and consequently decide to manage more and lead less. At
times managers might hardly perceive of having been recruited for their leadership
abilities and that their work is actually that of being a leader. Individuals
covering management roles, especially during periods of economic downturn and
slowdown, are possibly supposed that their employer just want them to yield the
expected results, and hence focus on and personally strive to attain the
pre-set objectives.

and in lieu of complaining about the scarce level of leadership showed by their
managers, criticism however completely justified, CEOs, directors and
executives should first and foremost show to be good and strong leaders
themselves. These can hardly assume that their subordinates may have the
qualities and capabilities they should excel in the most, whether they do not. It
is very unlikely that whether executives and directors were good leaders these would
have not positively influenced the way their reports, that is to say the
business managers, behave. Especially at management level it is sorely common to
see individuals tending to emulate and follow the example of their bosses, to
wit: executives and directors. Despite some managers may have some inborn
leadership features these might feel prompted to change their instinctive
behaviour and give these up, whether resulting in open contrast with the
leadership or management style used by their superiors. In the first instance,
the real leadership abilities facilitators are in fact managers and executives at
all levels.
quest for the Holy Grail is still underway, but it is important for employers
to have clear what they are seeking and when and where to better search.
Longo, R., (2014), Leadership and management, how different are these?; Milan: HR
Professionals, [online].