The emergent need for a new
approach to performance management
Performance management as a
system is typically formed by two phases, to wit: an initial phase when managers
communicate to their direct reports the objectives they are expected these to meet,
and a final phase when individual performance is assessed and appraised.
Whether employees attain the objectives set by their managers, they receive the
payment of a lump sum. To implement such schemes organizations clearly incur
huge costs; nonetheless, employers are sorely keen and eager to introduce these
programmes in a bid to attract and retain talented individuals, and hopefully
motivate employees to go the extra mile and exercise discretionary efforts.
Managed in this fashion,
nonetheless, these systems have more often than not failed to fulfil their
promise. Individuals started soon to develop and express an increasing interest
in the amount of money they were expected to receive by virtue of such
programmes rather than in the reasons behind the payment of these sums, and the
promise they had essentially to honour so as to be entitled to their payment.
Yet, these types of financial incentives were soon taken by individuals for
granted instead of being perceived as additional amounts of money paid by their
employer for a well-founded reason.
Reward professionals have ever
since felt the urge to come up with new, innovative approaches to reward
management aiming at enabling managers to focus on individual performance,
learning needs, and potential rather than on the financial implications
associated with these. The efforts are typically concentrated on developing programmes
which lay emphasis on individual behaviour, approach to work, results obtained,
the way these are achieved and career prospects so as to keep these aspects clearly
separate from any discussion concerned with the expectations, in terms of
financial reward, individuals may establish in relation to these. As such, performance
management started to be regarded as a process, constantly underway, enabling
managers and individuals to create and maintain a continuous two-way
communication channel by means of which managers can coach, support and demand
improvements to their reports. The adoption of such an approach does neither
imply the completion of any form nor any specific pattern to conform to, but
rather the manager capability and willingness to genuinely contribute to their
reports growth and development.
In a separate occasion, managers and
employees meet to talk about bonuses and financial incentives at large. This is
the meeting, broadly referred to as performance appraisal or performance review,
managers typically dislike the most by reason of the role of judge they are essentially
called to play. These types of meetings prove to be pleasant and
straightforward when managers can give their reports good news, whereas managers
feel sorely uncomfortable and ill at ease whether, during meetings, they have
to inform their reports that they will not receive the expected amount of money,
if any. The fact managers overrate their reports’ performance, to avert being awkward
or anxious in these circumstances, does not clearly represent by any means the
most appropriate and righteous remedy for these problems.
Whether managers establish and
maintain an open constant two-way communication process with their reports, the
discussion about the financial reward aspect should actually represents
somewhat of a formality. In those instances in which employees do not show the
improvements agreed with their managers, do not yield the results managers are
expected from these and do not exhibit the desired behaviour, these should not be
indeed surprised whether they do not receive the payment of any lump sum or the
partial payment of the pre-set amount. In such cases, the discussion should
eventually be confined to the individuals’ learning needs, provided that the
employees’ unsatisfactory performance is actually due to their incapacity to
properly perform their tasks.
Employee performance
unquestionably represents one of the trickiest duties manager are prompted to perform
in their role. Notwithstanding, averting to properly managing individual
performance or considering as a bad practice paying individuals, at the end of
each financial or calendar year, a sum of money contingent upon their
performance does not definitely represent the best approach to manage employee
performance, but rather a way to deliberately overlook this particularly
significant management task. The payment of a lump sum, to the individuals who
really deserve and merit it, is intended to thank employees for their
contribution to organizational success and to make them understand that they can
greatly benefit from their organization fortune, and not only suffer the pains
of their employer misfortune.
Bonuses and contingent pay at
large have been lately considered somewhat of the evil of the financial and business
world. Nonetheless, the actual problem with bonuses is not represented by the
payment of a sum, albeit at times very large, of money, but rather by the circumstances
under which these are paid, to wit: how and why employers pay bonuses to their
The problem with bankers bonuses
and the alleged global financial crisis it triggered, for instance, a subject
which aroused a lot of media and public interest in the late 2000s, was by no
means caused by the huge amounts of money financial institutions were paying to
their bankers, but rather by the mechanism through which these bonuses were granted.
Payments were in fact made before the final outcome of the bankers’ transactions
was actually known (Balancing base and variable pay - Banking Vs other industries). It can be argued that this is the same reason why also the
bonuses received by the CEOs and executive directors of some companies provoke
in some instances sharp criticism from the public opinion. Executives are at
times essentially rewarded for failure and receive staggering amount of money,
in the form of financial incentives, despite their decisions have strongly
contributed to jeopardize rather than secure the stability and solidity of
their organization.
The need to
align reward practices with organizational culture
The lump sums
paid by employers to their staff must be invariably associated with and
ultimately justified by the attainment of the scope for which these are actually
granted, that is, reward individuals for their performance, behaviour,
achievements, skills, competencies or expertise. Bonuses are typically offered
to individuals exclusively taking heed of the results these have obtained in
the previous year and can be thus essentially regarded as retrospective (Longo,
2014). Their scope is clearly also that of encouraging future performance,
these are in fact broadly known as pay which needs to be re-earned to be
repeated, but these programmes typically hardly emphasize the importance of
what an individual, in terms of learning and development, may need to gain in
order to repeat and sustain his/her performance over time.
management practices, similarly with all the other practices developed and
executed within an organization, should invariably strongly support corporate culture
and help employers to foster internal consistency and integrity. Financial
incentives should hence sustain and reinforce the message the employer aims at
conveying and must be consistent with the reward management strategy and
philosophy pursued by the business. Whereas, for instance, an organization’s
culture aims at fostering the expansion of individual competencies and the way
employees use these to ensure an increasingly sustained, satisfactory
performance, it would clearly be sorely inappropriate offering individuals
generous bonuses whether these have achieved good results, but have not made
any effort to expand their competencies. Similarly, it would openly appear
inconsistent paying bonuses to employees who have expanded their competencies
and gained new skills, but have not effectually used these to yield tangible
results, whether the company reward management practices are inspired by an
organizational culture fostering high performance and individual growth.
First and foremost, performance
management should support the organizational culture and invariably foster
integrity within a business. Clearly communicating from the outset why
performance management is introduced and operated within an organization and
what it aims at encouraging and promoting is hence of paramount importance.
Inasmuch as money talks, it might be argued that when money is offered to
individuals as a form of contingent pay, money even screams. Clarity, equity
and consistency should be hence invariably regarded as mandatory prerequisites
of every performance management process.
The reason why performance
management programmes do not invariably fulfil their promise is habitually due
to the circumstance that these are more often than not designed and developed
as over-complex and abstruse schemes or systems, which make at times it even
impossible for employees to get through the maze of bureaucracy they entail.
Performance management as a process
The paramount prerequisite of
performance management is that it should not be regarded as a system, but
rather as a process and its mechanism, in adherence to the tenet “keep it
simple,” should be as straightforward and manageable as possible. Reward
managers should resist the temptation to develop elaborate flow charts and
diagrams, and to adopt complex formulae for the calculation of financial
Performance management should be
considered as a process incessantly unfolding and flowing over time rather than
as a once-a-year administrative burden; an activity constantly underway based
on establishing and maintaining an open communication channel between employees
and managers.
Managers should establish a
direct, open communication channel with their direct reports from the very
first. The term communication has to be interpreted extensively; it in fact encompasses
the establishment of a close relationship between managers and employees, which
implies in turn managers tutoring and coaching individuals.
An effective and continuous
communication between managers and employees enables managers to be constantly
aware of the approaches adopted by their reports to attain their objectives,
influence individual behaviour and eventually suggest employees the most
suitable approach to perform their activities and achieve their objectives.
This constant contact between managers and employees would also enable the
former to relatively easily identify the learning needs of the latter and pinpoint
the potential these have to grow, work without supervision and assume power.
This approach does not place any
administrative burden upon managers, but these should take this undertaking
very seriously. The success of the overall process in fact sorely depends on
this activity, which should be permanently underway.
The directors of each
organizational function clearly need to be aware of the level of performance attained
and of the potential shown by the individuals forming their teams. According to
the functional composition and size, directors may not necessarily need to
receive a constant update about their reports staff, at least not about all of
them. Managers may hence provide them a report, or talk to them, about their
staff periodically, with the frequency which best suits the function needs.
Also this activity is indeed particularly significant in that it enables the
company managers and directors to identify the individuals who have the
features, traits, expertise, skills and knowledge to grow and play an increasing
significant role in the organization; never mind the propaedeutic significance
it acquires for the annual meeting during which managers and directors make the
final decisions about the managers’ reports bonuses.
The benefits of involving the
company directors in this important decision-making process are twofold and by
no means exclusively associated with their grade in the organizational
hierarchy. Since directors hold meetings to talk about their staff bonuses with
all of the managers of their function, these are able to establish a norm
within the function and avert that the different managers may propose sensibly
different amounts of money for people having essentially equally contributed to
the organizational success. To avert the implementation of performance
management miserably failing, it is crucially important to ensure that pay
decisions are exclusively equity-driven and firmly prevent that these might be
affected by bias or other non-merit-related considerations. The risk being to
convey an utterly wrong message whose detrimental consequences may prove to be
The other reason why each
functional director should assume complete control over the decisions made
about individual incentives is budget-related. This aspect is in many important
respects linked to the previous one; directors must clearly respect the
guidelines provided by the employer and, for difficult it might prove to be,
remain within their budget. To ensure and secure internal equity within each function,
the budget constraint should be considered from the outset. It is likely that
at the end of the meetings held with managers, directors may be obliged to
further review their financial incentives proposal to remain within budget.
Once the company directors put
forward their proposals to HR, these should be submitted to an internal
committee to be finally validated. Reward committees may be composed of reward
managers, experts, external consultants and some of the organization non-director
executives. It is preferable to not appoint any company executive-director as
member of these committees in that these may be prone to ruthlessly sustain
their initial proposals, irrespective of the inconsistencies these might
generate at organizational level.
Whereas the role played by the
company directors in the decisions of bonuses at functional level is essentially
aimed at ensuring equity and consistency within their function, their exclusion
from these committees is aimed at securing consistency and equity within the
overall business. These committees’ most significant objective is in fact that
to assure that bonuses reflect organizational culture, are granted to
individuals who unquestionably deserve them and are distributed equitably and
fairly according to the guidelines provided for by the employer.
To ease managers and directors
task, HR should prepare and issue guidelines briefly outlining the attributes,
qualities and aspects managers and directors should consider the most when
making their decisions and providing some indications of how to rate these.
Some bonus bands may also be created in order to establish a minimum and
maximum incentive amount, for instance, in connection with each grade, role or
jobs within the same level of a career-family or job-family structure.
Paying incentives
One of the most detrimental practical
implications of the concept of performance management as a system is the
payment of incentives according to a specific and more often than not
over-complex calculation method. HR typically formulates a document outlining
in great detail the overall system and gives it as much visibility as it can.
The description of the mechanism
regulating a performance management system typically also contains the
indication, for each employee, of the basic amount of money offered by the
employee and of the formula to be used for the calculation of the incentive. This
may depend on the role or grade but this amount is habitually openly disclosed.
The basic amount used to calculate the incentives of the employees filling
management and key role positions is more often than not individually
negotiated with the employees concerned and usually agreed in writing. On the
basis of the performance appraisal meeting outcome, each individual is thus able
to calculate the amount of the bonus that this will receive.
In many countries this approach might
represent a serious problem and pose a significant threat to employers. The
basic amount set for the calculation of financial incentives in fact with the
passing of the years may legally bind employers to the payment of broadly equal
sums of money in the future, albeit employees do no longer perform as these used
to in the past. An individual might perform at an average level but, according
to the changed circumstances, the amount of money this would receive by virtue
of the basic sum previously used to calculate his/her incentive may prove to be
disproportionate to award his/her current real level of performance and
The introduction of a structured
and detailed system clearly accounts for employees establishing expectations,
which with the passing of time employers may find it particularly difficult to
disregard and not fulfil (Legal risks emerging when introducing and varying a bonus scheme). By reason of the legal constraints
existing in many countries, employers having introduced a
performance management system may experience severe hardships in a bid to withdraw
their incentives scheme, especially whether these have not been carefully and
thoroughly formulated. Notwithstanding, the attempt may be
well-worth the efforts.
management as a process focusing on individual performance and development should
not entail any performance appraisal meeting and should enable thus employers
to avert many legal risks to arise and, more importantly, to annually pay
individuals the amount these really merit and deserve, regardless of any
consistent or unreasonable previous promise. This approach clearly also enables
employers to more promptly adapt their incentives budget to the real business
financial circumstances.

Before the payment of an
incentive, managers should individually meet employees. In this occasion, which
is essentially part itself of the performance management process, managers
inform employees that to recognize their efforts and contribution the employer
will shortly pay them a given sum of money. Despite no mechanism and no formula
have been unveiled for the calculation of these incentives, it is glaringly
obvious that employees communicate amongst themselves so that it is likely that
they will soon learn about the amount of cash received by the others. This
occurrence should not cause any employers’ concern, provided that these have
made their bonus payment decisions according to the tenets of equity (as
opposed to equality), fairness and individual merit. In contrast, the
circumstance that individuals have received a bonus for their actual
contribution and value serves the employer cause in that it helps this to get
across the message that individuals are rewarded and recognized for their real value
and contribution, or for having exhibited the behaviour and gained the skills
desired by the employer.
Over the years, also this
approach may indeed cause individuals to establish expectations about the payment
of an annual incentive; nonetheless, do not existing a calculation formula, an
outline of the system mechanism and let alone a formal written document, the
reason why employees establish expectations might be harder to explain;
especially whether the amount of money paid to individuals varies from year to
year and employees may at times receive no incentive at all.
The benefits of performance
management as a process, nonetheless, are not clearly exclusively legally-related.
The real benefit of performance management as a process is that it enables
managers and employees to focus on the job activities and the skills required
to effectually perform these. The circumstance an employee may not receive any
bonus or a small amount of money will not be clearly positively perceived by
individuals. Nonetheless, the relationship established between managers and
employees should enable managers to confidently and openly discuss the topic.
Yet, differently from what it happens with a formal performance management system,
the adoption of this approach enables managers to eventually recognize
individual effort and determination to succeed and obtain the expected results,
albeit these are not indeed yielded in practice.
A traditional approach to incentives
calculation can be still considered applicable and appropriate in all of those
cases in which results can be objectively quantitatively assessed and measured,
as for instance is the case of sales staff. In these cases the calculation of
bonuses by means of a simple formula would be fairly straightforward.
Nonetheless, this does not entail that performance management has not to be
managed as a process rather than as a system also in these cases.
Managers need to be close to
their direct reports and closely support them in the attainment of their
objectives so that these can gain the experience and capability necessary to be
accomplished in all the activities these are called and may be potentially
called to perform in the future. This has clearly to be done with discretion;
without limiting individual creativity and inventiveness, encouraging
individuals to come up with new, innovative approaches and methodologies to
perform their tasks and attain dramatic results.
The constructive establishment of
a good relationship between managers and employees will help the latter to
focus on the way the activities are performed and on the identification of new,
effectual approaches to work enabling them to increasingly yield positive
results. The financial aspect is clearly also important, but cannot be
considered per se and in isolation; in contrast, it needs to be invariably
linked to the reason why organizations pay financial incentives to their
employees. Employers should invariably establish a clear line of sight between
incentives and objectives, regardless of which these are, and never miss the
opportunity to emphasize the significance of this link and to foster the
pillars underpinning their organization’s corporate culture, which is in turn
of paramount importance for the pursuance of the overall business strategy.